Making out with Bill, an office flirtation and singing 'you're so vain to the mirror': New film to reveal softer side of Hillary Rodham Clinton in her 20s
She may be going through personal dramas all of her own, but
Hillary Clinton's early life could soon be appearing on the Silver
A script about the Secretary of State in her 20s and how she chose her husband over her career has become the talk of Hollywood.
The husband in question is future President Bill Clinton, and her job was as the youngest member of the House Judiciary Committee trying to impeach President Nixon.
Young Hillary: Hillary Rodham Clinton in Massachusetts in 1969 during her student days at Wellesley College
one scene the young Mrs Clinton - who was released from hospital
yesterday over a blood clot on her brain - is shown kissing her husband
in their apartment.
A Yale Law school graduate, Mrs Clinton, 65, was viewed as having a bright career in politics or as a lawyer until she met Mr Clinton, 66.
was in 1974 that she faced one of the most significant choices of her
career - remain in Washington or go with him to Arkansas where he was
trying to become governor.
When she failed the District of Columbia bar exam and passed the test for Arkansas, she made her choice and stood by her man.
Mrs Clinton later wrote: 'I chose to follow my heart instead of my head.'
love: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Bill Clinton, left,
at Wellesley College in 1969 in Massachusetts when the Secretary of
State was an undergraduate student
and dreams: The screenwriter said this photo of Bill and Hillary
starting their journey together at Yale Law School, in New Haven, CT in
1972, inspired the opening scene of the movie
There is
also supposedly 'office flirtation' between her and former
Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, who worked on the impeachment
In another part designed to show off her sense of humor, Mrs Clinton is even seen applying makeup as she sings the Carly Simon hit: 'You're so vain.'
The script has been written by South-Korean born newcomer Young Il Kim who is being represented by United Talent Agency, one of the biggest such organizations in the world.
Last month it was ranked no.4 on the Hollywood’s Black List, an annual poll of film industry insiders about their favorite scripts. Movies like ‘The Social Network’ and ‘Juno’ have previously got high ranks.
Hillary Clinton, in college in 1969, has said that she was faced with a
decision to follow Bill Clinton down to Arkansas or stay in Washington.
‘I chose to follow my heart instead of my head,' she has said
Hillary Rodham, center, a lawyer for the Rodino Committee and John Doar
(left) Chief Counsel for the committee, bring impeachment charges
against President Richard Nixon in 1974
Speaking to ,
Mr Kim said he was inspired by 'incredible irony' that Mrs Clinton
worked on the same impeachment process that would eventually be used
against her husband.
He said: 'But it’s also really a journey of a woman who was torn between her personal desires and her professional ambition - both literally pulled her thousands of miles apart, because Bill did not want to leave Arkansas, and she did not want to leave Washington, D.C.'
Young Il Kim, 39, has written a script for a Hillary Clinton biopic
added: 'I've always seen her (Mrs Clinton) in the public light and
formal and buttoned-down, and here she is making out with Bill and
graduating college and trying to find a job.
'It's them starting off and meeting and falling in love and facing all the challenges and struggles that everybody else does.'
Mr Kim, 39, a former venture capitalist who quit after the 9/11 attacks to pursue screenwriting, said he wrote the script after seeing the picture of Mrs Clinton in the Situation Room with President Obama as they watched the raid to kill Osama bin Laden in May 2011.
He said: 'That photo … made me remember another photo.
'There was this photo of Hillary when she was in her 20s with coke-bottle glasses and long, hippie hair.
it was those two images that really made me realize that this would be a
great way into this story just to focus on a moment in her life when
she’s in her 20s, and she doesn’t know what she wants to do with her
If the film was to go ahead then casting would become the next major issue. There has been talk of a Clinton biopic before and Mr Clinton said he wanted actress Meryl Streep to play his wife.
lady: Bill Clinton, center, is joined by his wife Hillary, right, and
daughter Chelsea, left, in January 1993 at his first presidential
Senator: Hillary Clinton, in September 2003, served as a Democratic U.S. Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009
Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton, left with President Obama in May, became the U.S. Secretary of State in 2009
However given that it would be about Mrs Clinton in her 20s a much younger actress would have to play the part.
Mr Kim told Politico that it took him just four months to write the script having read dozens of books on the Clintons.
Richard Arlook, Mr Kim's manager, passed the script on and the screenwriter is now being repped by Jenny Maryasis, who helped discover Girls writer Lena Dunham, and Barbara Dreyfus.
Also involved is Temple Hill Entertainment, which is behind the 'Twilight' Series.
Mr Arlook told Politico that the next stage for the film is to get funding.
A script about the Secretary of State in her 20s and how she chose her husband over her career has become the talk of Hollywood.
The husband in question is future President Bill Clinton, and her job was as the youngest member of the House Judiciary Committee trying to impeach President Nixon.
A Yale Law school graduate, Mrs Clinton, 65, was viewed as having a bright career in politics or as a lawyer until she met Mr Clinton, 66.
When she failed the District of Columbia bar exam and passed the test for Arkansas, she made her choice and stood by her man.
Mrs Clinton later wrote: 'I chose to follow my heart instead of my head.'
In another part designed to show off her sense of humor, Mrs Clinton is even seen applying makeup as she sings the Carly Simon hit: 'You're so vain.'
The script has been written by South-Korean born newcomer Young Il Kim who is being represented by United Talent Agency, one of the biggest such organizations in the world.
Last month it was ranked no.4 on the Hollywood’s Black List, an annual poll of film industry insiders about their favorite scripts. Movies like ‘The Social Network’ and ‘Juno’ have previously got high ranks.
He said: 'But it’s also really a journey of a woman who was torn between her personal desires and her professional ambition - both literally pulled her thousands of miles apart, because Bill did not want to leave Arkansas, and she did not want to leave Washington, D.C.'
'It's them starting off and meeting and falling in love and facing all the challenges and struggles that everybody else does.'
Mr Kim, 39, a former venture capitalist who quit after the 9/11 attacks to pursue screenwriting, said he wrote the script after seeing the picture of Mrs Clinton in the Situation Room with President Obama as they watched the raid to kill Osama bin Laden in May 2011.
He said: 'That photo … made me remember another photo.
'There was this photo of Hillary when she was in her 20s with coke-bottle glasses and long, hippie hair.
If the film was to go ahead then casting would become the next major issue. There has been talk of a Clinton biopic before and Mr Clinton said he wanted actress Meryl Streep to play his wife.
Mr Kim told Politico that it took him just four months to write the script having read dozens of books on the Clintons.
Richard Arlook, Mr Kim's manager, passed the script on and the screenwriter is now being repped by Jenny Maryasis, who helped discover Girls writer Lena Dunham, and Barbara Dreyfus.
Also involved is Temple Hill Entertainment, which is behind the 'Twilight' Series.
Mr Arlook told Politico that the next stage for the film is to get funding.